EA_1122; IGE-PCV - International Scientific Events
1. EA_1122; IGE-PCV is organizing its bi-annual 10th 'Santorini Conference' entitled "Systems Medicine and Personalised Health &Therapy - The Odyssey from Hope to Practice: Patient First" in Santorini, Greece, in 2022 (23-26 May) instead of 28 September to 1 October 2020 due to the COVID-19 health crisis (
The scientific content is oriented towards the transfer and translation of research results into clinical implementation of personalised medicine and pharmacogenomics.
We have built a very attractive scientific programme around: 1 opening round table, 8 sessions and 1 session for young researchers.
As in previous years, an effort has been made to allow young researchers and clinicians to present their work. Depending on the scientific quality of the abstracts received, judged by the scientific committee of the conference, which is composed of high level researchers, some of them will be selected for oral communication in the dedicated session. In addition, a significant number of abstracts will be presented as poster papers. Two 'Gérard SIEST' prizes will be awarded for the 2 'best' posters.